Coronavirus Vaccine Passport – Pros And Cons

It is being assumed that a digital certificate of immunity against covid 19 can help soothe lockdown. How? This passport reflects the date of vaccination and last covid test report. France and Thailand are pioneers in issuing such passports. Now it has become a global concern. With this passport the world economy can slowly resume. Other possible measures to digitally identified vaccinated citizens are being explored. France has also launched digital travel pass to allow boarding of vaccinated people. Thailand too has issued similar documents for people travelling outside the country. With all positive sides comes one down side. It raises a point of discrimination and privacy. How? It discloses whether an individual has been vaccinated or not? It also assures the person has tested negative or has recovered from it. The strict bar on travel can be waived if this is issued to the mass. Tech giants are instrumental in monitoring and building up such records worldwide. This can be sync t...